Seven minutes of what it sounds like in my head. Real. Nothing to hide. I record 7 minutes of what I'm thinking and then write it down. Here's what it's like to have ADD.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


My 20th high school reunion is this weekend.  I didn't go.  My husband is in Turkey and I didn't want to go alone.  at least that's the official story.  It's true, but I also wasn't feeling cute enough to go.  Isn't that silly?  I was feeling old and worn out and didn't want to hang out with the "cute girls" from high school as they looked hot and I looked like the mom of 7.  Which is another thing.  I didn't want to have to hear about the 7 children thing from people I wasn't good enough for 20 years ago and see them judging me now.  I like my life.  Love it.  There are very few things which I would change if I were given that power, and the number of children in my household is definitely not one of them.  I like these children.  Which I'm learning is not the most common thing in the world.  Liking your own children.  Sure, most people lovet heir kids, but when you suggest that they spend time with them, they shudder in horror.  How did we get to a place and a time where people give birth to children and then raise them into people they dislike?  How does that even happen? Are we really that busy? Are we really that lazy? Why?  What is it buying us?  People don't do things for no reason at all.  There's always a pay off for anything we do, so if we are not spending time with our kids then it's because there is something "better" that we could be doing with our time.  I wonder if it's worth it?  I look at the pictures of these women I once knew.  The ones I didn't feel cute enough for.  It's obvious that they are spending their time earning money and working out.  I'm not sure which one takes precedence.  It's also obvious that they aren't spending that time with the one child each one has.  How is it that they all only have one child? Is there some kind of "popular girl" pact to only have one child each? One beautifully dressed, perpetually pouting child?  Because I've seen the Facebook pictures, and if my children looked at me in that tone of voice, I'd be smacking a bottom or two...or seven....but who's counting?

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