Seven minutes of what it sounds like in my head. Real. Nothing to hide. I record 7 minutes of what I'm thinking and then write it down. Here's what it's like to have ADD.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Friday the 13th.  It's supposed to be unlucky.  It never has been for me.  Not that it's been a particularly lucky day either, it's just a day like any other.  I think these things are all in people's heads, whether one date is good or bad.  Luck is just in perception.  An ordinary day can become lucky because of one chance happening.  Not that I believe in coincidence.  The things we notice as coincidences are God making himself more obvious than usual, in my opinion.  So I don't believe in luck.  I believe in God.  Who do atheists believe creates luck?  Where do they think it comes from?  Can you believe in luck and still be an atheist?  Isn't it believing in some sort of supernatural power?  We're all created to seek the mysterious unknown anyway.  It's part of our DNA.  They can try and explain away their muddled belief systems but it all comes back to control.  Either you're in control, or you're not.  Which is hard for someone like me who craves control to accept.  Because I think we're created to believe, but also to seek control.  We crave it the way a fat girl craves French fries, and I should know.  Not that I'm fat, but I could lose a bit of weight.  9 pregnancies in 16 years is not easy on the body.  Part of me wonders why to bother with getting back in shape.  My natural shape seems to be pregnant.  That's why I could never be Mormon.  (Other than I don't agree with their theology)  My Mormon friend told me that she'll be married forever and bearing her spirit children for all eternity and I said "No, thank you."  I've been pregnant long enough here on Earth that I believe I've paid my dues.  I'll take Catholic Heaven, thank you very much.  I just want a fluffy cloud to rest on and perhaps a flat belly.  Will we have bellies in Heaven?  I would think so, resurrection of the body and all that. 

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