Seven minutes of what it sounds like in my head. Real. Nothing to hide. I record 7 minutes of what I'm thinking and then write it down. Here's what it's like to have ADD.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


All that's been on my mind all day is this stupid HHS mandate.  I just want to cry, scream, and shake people at the same time.  What's going on in our country that the Obama administration actually thought they could do this?  What state is the Church in that they just may?  So few bishops have even spoken out.  The people don't know what's going on or they don't care.  Many just see it as the government's dragging us into the 21st century whether we like it or not.  Well, we don't. Or at least I don't.  They have closed adoption agencies because of our insistence on traditional families, and now they are trying to close or force the conformity of our churches, universities, hospitals, charities, etc. and the majority of the Church is silent.  Am I just paranoid in thinking that this is the beginning of a time of persecution?  If we don't comply, then what?  What would the country look like without Catholic institutions?  Do we want to see that country?  If they can do this to us, then what about the other churches?  Which Christian group is next?  They are harder to attack because they lack our organization, something I always thought of as an asset and I still believe that it is, but it's harder to fight something that you can't define which makes Protestants a more difficult target.  That doesn't mean they're not one.  If we can be forced to violate God's laws then so can anyone else.  How sad that I think we have a better chance of getting help from our Protestant brethren than I do from the Catholics in the pews.

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