Seven minutes of what it sounds like in my head. Real. Nothing to hide. I record 7 minutes of what I'm thinking and then write it down. Here's what it's like to have ADD.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I can't believe that I have 3 followers on this blog.  It just doesn't seem like something that people would be interested in.  But people will waste their time reading all kinds of things like that cat blog "I can haz.."  I just don't get that one.  Or Jersey Shore.  How many hours of their lives have people spent watching Snooki or  whatever her name is trying to get laid?  Is that even interesting?  I'll admit to watching Dance Moms though, and my husband doesn't get that either.  These shows are such a waste of time and yet they're like crack, we can't walk away from them.  Although I'm just saying that based upon things that I've heard and read.  I've never done crack so I don't really know how addictive or enjoyable it is.  I have to take others' word for it.  I've only heard about it on the news.  Do you think the news reporters really know what they're talking baout when they discuss things like crack and meth?  I doubt it.  They're just reading the cue cards or repeating what they've heard. Wait.  Do they still use cue cards?  I'm sure it's teleprompters.  Nobody hand writes anything any longer.  That's a good thing for my boys.  Their handwriting is AWFUL.  I make them practice it, and it's beautiful on the worksheets, but when they have to write in real life it's nearly unreadable.  We've been shopping for First Communion dresses for E.  She knows what she wants, but that dress is discontinued. It's hard to fall in love with a dress when you have a completely different picture in your head.  She needs to forget the princess sleeves and move on to something else wonderful.

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